• 最新消息
  • 拓云国际网路专业的主机代管及网路服务,提供了二十四小时专业工程师技术支援,完善的机房设备提供双备援冷气空调服务、气体消防设备、双备援不断电支援(UPS)系統及隨時待命的發電機系統,以及多重(元)網路連線,還有安全監視器進行全年無休的監控與維護,讓您省卻機房建置、維護及專線費用,並有365天7*24小時技術支援服務。

  • 2015/08/09 HiNet submarine barriers announcement - 1_2015-08-11 15:29:46
  • because EAC submarine HiNet Barriers affect customer connections link China, Hong Kong, South Korea and most of the sites quality
    Start and end dates: 2015-08-09
    Time: Repair undetermined time
    Range: As explained in detail
    Description: 104 years due to take place on August 9 EAC submarine barriers, emergency dispatch support by the Company, the customer link China, Hong Kong, South Korea and most of the site will not be affected in the normal time, only in peak hours may cause some wires there are a few delays, until the repair is completed, you can return to normal, the inconvenience caused, please forgive me.